Hey there! I’m John, a lawyer with a lifelong obsession for pushing the boundaries of tech. For the past 15 years, I’ve been leveraging cutting-edge technologies to drive better outcomes in complex legal matters. From conducting hundreds forensics investigations to deploying AI in high-stakes eDiscovery cases, I thrive on finding innovative solutions to thorny problems.

Now, I’m diving deep into the world of language models and other AI tools, exploring their potential to reshape the legal landscape. I believe we’re on the cusp of a revolution in how legal services are delivered, and I’m excited to be at the forefront of this transformation. This wave is coming for us all regardless of how prepared we are or how comfortable we’ll be. The only way to learn to swim is to get wet, and the only way to not be crushed by the AI wave is through experimentation and practice.

So consider this our digital playground, where I’ll share my explorations, hacks, and links and whatever else catches my eye. If you’re the kind of person who’s interested in pushing limits while figuring out what our boundaries are, pull up a chair and join the conversation. Together, we’ll chart a course through all of this and have a hell of a good time doing it.

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Welcome to the Grid - Ortholinear Keyboards

I found myself last week, as one does, aimlessly scrolling through the Keychron website when something caught my eye - an ortholinear keyboard that wouldn’t ...

Summarizing Depositions with AI

Here’s a proof of concept summary of seven hours of one Bill Gates taking the heat for IE being better than what Netscape Navigator was becoming at the time....

Using GPT-4o to Write Legal Memos

This is a preview of a project that I’ve been working on in preparation for a couple presentations. This is a preview of the analysis that I’ll be running th...