Here’s a proof of concept summary of seven hours of one Bill Gates taking the heat for IE being better than what Netscape Navigator was becoming at the time. It includes interactive (and yes, a little rough) graphs that help demonstrate some of the numbers discussed during the testimony. Go back and read that sentence again knowing that I started this project from scratch just a couple hours ago and now it’s on my website.

Claude Sonnet

Claude Sonnet isn’t messing around. On top of being bananas fast compared to Claude 2.1 when I did this exercise with a different deposition transcript in December, the new Artifacts feature is really a lot of fun and as you can see at the link below, it opens up a whole new world of things you can do with just testimony.

Web Developers and Security Folks

Web developers take note: I can read javascript but could not write it unattended. Security folks take note: I can read javascript in about the same way you read Perl in a hard copy of 2600.


So is this a good idea and something you should go do instead of reading transcripts you’re responsible for or should these just be submitted directly for use at a trail? No of course not.

Upcoming Demonstration and Feature

I’ll be demonstrating this live tomorrow during my talk for UMKC and will be adding deposition summarization as a category for Gunnerbench soon. A couple small birds tell me that there are some things coming to that should make those of us who are comparing models for summarization and review purposes extremely happy.